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Writing the model’s source files – Implementing the equations and rules for the model


[ACTION] The SegregationAgent file we provide the line that implements the agent’s move behaviour. Add the following lines after //TODO in the SegregationAgent.cpp

	//TODO: move to a random empty position


Situational mechanism

[ACTION] Here we complete the logic of the situational mechanism: the theory looks up the neighbouring agents and calculates the overall similarity percentage. If the percentage is over the threshold, the agent is not satisfied.

	//TODO: increase the count if 2 agents are the same type
	if ((*agentIter)->getType() == ((SegregationAgent*)mpAgent)->getType()) {

	//TODO: if similarity >= threshold, update satisfaction
	double similarityPercentage = (double)similarCount/neighbourAgents.size();
	double threshold = ((SegregationAgent*)mpAgent)->getThreshold();
	mIsSatisfied = (similarityPercentage >= threshold);

Action mechanism

[ACTION] Complete the action mechanism: if the agent is not satisfied, it will have an intention to move.

	//TODO: if not satisfied, moving intention =TRUE else =FALSE
	mMovingIntention = ! mIsSatisfied;


Mediate situational mechanisms

[ACTION] The mediator will trigger situational mechanisms in all theories. Since there is only one theory in this tutorial, it does not have to mediate anything and just passes the satisfaction value from a SchellingTheory object to a SegregationAgent object.

	//TODO: trigger situation mechanisms
	((SchellingTheory*) mTheoryList[0])->doSituation();

	//TODO: get the satisfaction value from the Theory object
	bool updatedSatisfation = ((SchellingTheory*) mTheoryList[0])->getSatisfiedStatus();
	//TODO: because there is only one theory, pass satisfaction value to the agent
	((SegregationAgent*) mpAgent)->setSatisfiedStatus(updatedSatisfation);

Mediate action mechanisms

[ACTION] In the action mechanism, even though the mediator does not have to mediate anything, it makes a final decision for whether the agent will move based on its intention.

	//TODO: trigger action mechanisms

	//TODO: if the agent intends to move, perform the move action
	if (((SchellingTheory*) mTheoryList[0])->getMovingIntention())
		((SegregationAgent*) mpAgent)->move();


[ACTION] In the transformational mechanism, the board will update the average satisfaction and segregation index.

	//TODO: transformational mechanisms: update avg satisfaction and segregation index



[ACTION] Create and initialize the entities in the model: the Board and SegregationAgent objects.

	//TODO: init at the macro level: the Board structural entity
	mpBoard = new Board(&mContext, discreteSpace);

	//TODO: init at the micro level: agent, theory, theory mediator
		//create Agent object
		SegregationAgent* agent = new SegregationAgent(id, type, threshold, discreteSpace);

		//create Theory object
		SchellingTheory* theory = new SchellingTheory(&mContext, discreteSpace);
		//create Mediator object
		std::vector<Theory*> theoryList;
		TheoryMediator* mediator = new SegregationTheoriesMediator(theoryList);

		//connect the Agent with the Mediator

		//add the Agent to context and discrete space
		discreteSpace->moveTo(id, initialLocation);


[ACTION] Here we write the code to trigger the situational and action mechanisms from SegregationAgent objects and trigger transformational mechanisms from the Board. Call the three mechanisms in the correct order for the Schelling model: first the situational mechanisms, then the action mechanisms, then the transformational mechanisms.

	//TODO: call doSituation for each agent

	//TODO: call doAction for each agent

	//TODO: call doTransformation of the Board structural entity

	//TODO: call three mechanisms in the correct order


[ACTION] Schedule the defined sequence of mechanisms every discrete time step (these are called ‘ticks’ in Repast) and also the time at which to stop the simulation (this is read in from a model properties file: model.props)

	//TODO: schedule actions every tick
	runner.scheduleEvent(2, 1, repast::Schedule::FunctorPtr(new 
		repast::MethodFunctor<SegregationModel> (this, &SegregationModel::doPerTick)));
	//TODO: schedule stopping condition at max tick